Brandsta City Släckers (also known as "Brandsta City Fire Department") is a Swedish comedic musical group that gained popularity in the early 2000s. The group was formed by a group of friends from the town of Hudiksvall, Sweden. Their music is characterized by humorous and satirical lyrics, often poking fun at various aspects of modern life and society.
The group competed in Sweden's audition to Eurovision Song Contest in 2002 and 2003 with the songs Kom och ta mig ("Come and Get Me") and 15 minuter ("15 Minutes"), respectively.
Kom och ta mig came to be their most recognisable song and became a hit in Sweden and other Nordic countries. The song's catchy melody and lighthearted lyrics contributed to its success. The group's comedic performances and unique style earned them a dedicated fanbase.
Brandsta City Släckers had a fairly brief moment in the spotlight, but their music remains a nostalgic and iconic part of Swedish pop culture from the early 2000s.
We Love the 2000s
In the summer of 2022, Sweden's most famous firemen once again put on their signature orange firefighter overalls to perform a few songs at the '00s revival event "We Love the 2000s". Also performing at the event were contemporary acts like Joakim Hillson, Nicke & Mojje, and Wyclef Jean.