Carl-Einar Häckner - Jubileumsvarieté Tidsmaskinen, Liseberg

Carl-Einar Häckner, Malte Knapp and Silea on the variety show Tidsmaskinen ("The Time Machine")

With twenty summers of variety shows at the Gothenburg theme park Liseberg under his belt, Carl-Einar Häckner has amused countless people of all ages.

In 2023, the Swedish comedian and magician returned to Liseberg with his latest show, titled Tidsmaskinen ("The Time Machine"), celebrating the 100th anniversary of the park.

Along with the recurring Variety Orchestra, Häckner also brought two highly talented performers in the form of unicyclist Malte Knapp and line dancer Silea.

This variety show was performed daily between the 1st and 4th of June, 2023. CrowdSnapper was there on June 2nd.

Check out other events featuring Carl-Einar Häckner

Event Photography

Opening and magic tricks

Malte Knapp riding wacky unicycles

More magic tricks, with a volunteer from the audience

Line dancing with Silea

Gruesome magic trick (viewer discretion is adviced!)

Closing act

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